Smallcombe - The Current Position
A significant amount of gardening work has been carried out in recent years by the Friends of Smallcombe, with the support of the B&NES Council and other sponsors, to improve the site from its condition in 2014. Following the completion of the major project, responsibility for overseeing the gardening has passed to the Sydney Buildings Householders Association - who have always been strong source of public support for Smallcombe.
If you feel able to help with a little hands on gardening to back up the overall maintenance activity provided by B&NES then please contact Mary Stacey at marysabinastacey@hotmail.com
A recent report from Alison Quine...
Our first three trial plots are looking good- now in their 3rd summer they are more floriferous and have greater diversity than the untouched grass. Ox eye daisies, Ribwort, Salad burnet and Bugle are most visible but we are pleased to see Yellow rattle has become established. This is parasitic on grass so weakens it and gives the wild flowers more chance. The two later plots are catching up and show the same species. The success of the area round the memorial is less obvious where we used plug plants in the grass but we were excited to see some cowslips and orchids.

Church of England Chapel
The building, despite its Grade II listing, is in a critical state, and has been for many years. As it is privately owned repairs could not be included with our Heritage Lottery application. We understand discussions continue between the Council and the owner, although on the basis of years of inaction regarding maintenance of the building, we are currently not optimistic of progress. This video illustrates why it is well worth saving - but time is running out.
Access from Horseshoe Walk
The road has always been privately owned and access rights are as they always have been, but new signs at the entrance do deter some visitors. Access on foot is fine, but there is no facility to park on the road or adjacent to the cemetery. We promote walking to Smallcombe. Please respect the privacy of the farm and the cemetery cottage.
Please note this website is maintained by the Friends of Smallcombe Cemetery to promote knowledge of, and visits to the cemetery. Questions about the day to day operation of the cemetery are best answered by relevant Church or Council officials.